Yea-Kinglake RSL Poppy Appeal underway
Thursday, October 26, 2017
The 2017 RSL Poppy Appeal is underway in Yea from October 30 to November 10, and in Kinglake over the November 4-5 weekend.
Poppy badges are available in Yea from volunteers manning a table in the mall at Reddrops Foodworks, or from honesty boxes in shops and hotels.
In Kinglake, badges will be available on Saturday and Sunday, November 4 and 5, with volunteers manning a table at the Kinglake Supermarket.
“Donations are exclusively applied to the welfare of veterans and their dependants,” explained Yea-Kinglake RSL President Jeff Swain. “The Australian Tax Office’s charities and not-for-profit conditions apply so no donations are spent on administration or other costs,” he said.
Those wishing to make special arrangements to obtain poppy badges can contact Appeal Co-ordinators, Sam Murauer in Yea (0459 572 32) or Peter Crook in Kinglake (03.5786.2030 or 0427.541.022).