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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Cr Charlie Bisset, Murrindindi Shire Mayor

Mayor asks: have we got budget right?

Murrindindi Shire Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset is asking for public ‘feedback’ about the Council’s 2018-19 budget.

A Media Release issued by the Council this afternoon (Friday, May 11) says:

“Murrindindi Shire Council has released its draft budget for 2018-19, ready for your feedback.

Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Charlie Bisset said each year the draft budget includes an outline of the infrastructure works we plan to do across the Shire and the related budget we allocate for this purpose.
“This year is no exception – we have included a mix of projects across the Shire as part of our ongoing program to update and renew our assets”, Cr Bisset said.
“We are proposing to invest $3.43 million in our roads, bridges and footpaths. A large portion of this is to renew our existing roads, bridges and footpaths to make sure they are in good condition, but there are also some really important new and upgrade projects.
“Cr Dunscombe and I are excited that we will be sealing Aitken Crescent in Kinglake – this street in the centre of Kinglake next to the Kinglake Pub, is an important drop off and collection point for buses and parents taking their children to school.  We are also renewing and upgrading community facilities across the Shire including:
” Renewal and upgrade of the Yea Recreation Reserve change rooms
” Renewal or upgrade of toilet facilities at Yarck and Bollygum Park, Kinglake
” Works to improve Toolangi CJ Dennis memorial hall and the kitchen in the Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House
“We have allocated funding for a new playground shade structure at Strath Creek and will be talking with the local community to make sure the location of this fits in with their plans and priorities for this community area,” added Cr Bisset.
“We are also planning to improve tourism signage across the Shire.  This was something the community identified in the ‘Have Your Say’ community engagement exercise as being an important step in attracting tourists to the Shire and making it easier for them to find all the great things we have to offer.
“Also, as a result of community feedback, we are allocating funds to improve access by emergency services vehicles to the helipad in Alexandra. This is an important investment in community safety.
“More details are available in our draft budget and we’d really appreciate your feedback.
“Each year we develop a prioritised list of projects based on what is needed to renew and maintain the existing assets that our communities rely on and the projects we have committed to deliver in the Council Plan.  We also think about the new or upgraded assets we need in order to continue to deliver services for the community.  We also take into account the range of requests and suggestions we receive across a variety of sources –  including from community members and groups – which are aligned to the goals of the Council Plan.
“Your feedback might change this year’s budget or your suggestions might be considered in future.   I’d strongly encourage people to take a look at the budget, to see the long list of projects we propose to fund in 2018/2019.
“We’d like to hear from the community about the focus of the Budget – have we got it right?
If you would like to make a submission to Council about the budget, you must do so in writing by no later than June 1, 2018″, added Cr Bisset.
Submissions can be sent via email to msc@murrindindi.vic.gov.au, hand delivered to a Council office or posted to: Manager Business Services, Murrindindi Shire Council, PO Box 138, Alexandra, VIC, 3714.
The draft Budget is available for viewing at all Council offices until 1 June 2018.  It can also be downloaded from Council’s website at www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au/budget

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