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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Plans to develop on ‘Connie’ at Yea: 12-lots proposed

A proposal for a12-lot residential subdivision at 6 Smith St, Yea, will be considered at Murrindindi Shire Council’s meeting on Wednesday night (Apr. 24).

An officer’s report recommends that Councillors vote to approve the proposal, despite objections. A total of 14 individual objections were initially received in relation to the application proposal.

The proposal is for a 9.5-hectare irregular shaped property within the southern portion of the Yea township. The property is on the western and southern slopes of Constitution Hill, and near the historic Yea Cemetery.

Chilean Needle Grass has been found in the vicinity of the area and is considered a weed of national significance.

Known occurrences of Golden sun moth (Synemon plana) and striped legless lizard (Delmar impar) exist in nearby habitat.

The grounds of objections relating to the 11 current submitters are:

• land is inappropriately zoned and should be changed to a more appropriate zone
• land is too steep for the proposed residential development and does not have regard to
drainage and erosion control
• environmental impacts particularly in relation to loss of native vegetation, impact of
road construction on mature trees and habitat loss
• traffic impacts relating to nearby local roads
• adverse amenity impacts from overlooking of existing properties on Moyle Street
• adverse amenity, health and environmental impacts relating to wastewater and effluent
• increased potential for dog attacks on adjacent farmland.

Objections have been raised in relation to the loss of fauna habitat and wildlife movements, particularly in relation to kangaroos that graze over the land and utilise the existing dams.