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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Rev. Canon. Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls. Photo by Ash Long

St Luke’s expands

The Anglican Parish of Yea and Moles-worth is launching the St Luke’s Centre for Spirituality.

I believe we are all spiritual people, who choose to live out our spirituality in a range of ways.

The writings of the early Desert Mothers and Fathers, the saints and mystics, meditation, silence, journaling and being in nature, all enhance my own spiritual beliefs and practices, as does my daily prayer time and celebrating the Eucharist within the Anglican tradition.

We have been looking at and praying about new ways in which St Luke’s can reach out and engage with people for whom traditional Anglican worship is not relevant, does not appeal or is unknown, Sunday mornings don’t work, Christianity has become a tarnished, etc, etc, etc.

We have launched St Luke’s Centre for Spirituality and hope that it will offer new and exciting ways of reaching into the wider community, making new connections and building relationships.

St Luke’s Centre for Spirituality will offer weekly Christian meditation (commencing later this year), workshops and seminars on a range of spiritual areas, film and discussion afternoons/evenings, study groups, quiet days, retreats, morning and evening prayer, special services celebrating the saints, and more as we evolve and move forward.

We will liaise with Cassie and Angela of the Taungurung regarding new plantings in the church garden incorporating local indigenous plants, and hopefully they will run some workshops for us so that we can learn from them.

The Yea Wetlands, Cheviot Tunnel, Rail Trail, areas along the Yea and Goulburn rivers, as well as our church and hall, will be utilised for St Luke’s Centre for Spirituality events and services.

Our first event will be a Celtic Spirituality Day on Saturday, August 17, where Cath Connelly, professional Celtic harpist, will lead us in exploring Celtic Spirituality and what it offers as a deeply engaging way of relating to God.

Details will be advertised in this newspaper shortly, but fliers are up on our Op Shop windows and on our church noticeboards.

All are welcome to attend our events. If you have any questions please contact Mother Eden on 0437 937 433 or anglicanyea@gmail.com

  • The Reverend Canon Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls (Mother Eden)
    Parish Priest, Anglican Parish
    of Yea and Molesworth