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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bron Dunwoodie and Sam Plunkett. Photo: winebysam.com.au

Virus victim in Seymour

One of Victoria’s latest Corona Virus victims spent three hours at ‘Wine By Sam’ in Anzac Avenue, Seymour, last week.

A man in his 50s, who had returned from the United States on the same flight as Toorak GP, Chris Higgins, was diagnosed with the virus on Friday (Mar. 6).

The man was at the Seymour winery, run by local couple Bron Dunwoodie and Sam Plunkett, between 12.30pm and 3.30pm on Tuesday last week (Mar. 3).

State Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said people who visited this location at this time should be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 – but added that extended close personal contact was required for the virus to be spread.

Ms Mikakos defined close personal contact as at least 15 minutes of face-to-face time or more than two hours in the same room.

Wine By Sam owner Sam Plunkett told the ABC that one of his staff would self-isolate for 14 days after meeting the criteria.

He said he had chosen to shut his business for a fortnight in a “particularly cautious” move which was not mandated by health authorities.

Mr Punkeet said the closure would have an impact on casual staff: “Casual staff rely on their job for an income. I don’t bvelieve we can find all the hours that they would have otherwise received.”

The man developed mild symptoms after the United Airlines flight UA 0060 landed in Melbourne about 9.30am on Saturday, February 29.

The man also attended a private screening of The Amber Light, a film about Scottish whisky culture, at Cinema Nova from 7.30pm to 10.30pm last Thursday (Mar. 5).

  • Report courtesy ABC.net.au