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Thursday, December 19, 2024

HUME: Council looks to boost for group re-openings

Hume City Council is aimingto provide stimulus packages to assist Hume based groups to reactivate their programs after the Coronavirus ermergency.

A plan was due to be discussed at the Council meeting to be held on Monday this week (July 13), as The Local Paper went to press.

All Hume City Council community centres and facilities, including Hume Global Learning Centres and Town Hall Broadmeadows , were closed in April due to the pandemic.

A range of local businesses, schools, not-for- profit organisations, community groups and social welfare groups have been impacted by these closures.

A proposal put to this week’s meeting was that the Community Rate applying to all Hume based pre-school, primary and secondary school bookings at a Hume City Council community centre or facility for the 2020-21 financial year.

It was also suggested that all regular / permanent community-based individuals or groups whose bookings were impacted due to COVID-19 restrictions to be provided with a credit of $2000/group at a Hume Global Learning Centre or $1000/group for a Hume City Council community centre for usage during 2020-21.