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Friday, December 27, 2024

Tangglewood Festival publicity photo from TanglewoodFestival.com.au

MURRINDINDI: Thornton locals warn Councillors

Thornton locals have a large list of objections to the Tanglewood Festival being allowed at the 969 Goulburn Valley Hwy property.

Their list of objections includes:

• Insufficient information in regards to compliance with noise controls
• The proposal will overload local telephone and internet accessibility
• The proposal will result in unreasonable noise and disturbance of nearby land users as it has in the past
• The proposal will result in anti-social behaviour
• Hours of operation need to be reduced
• Farm biosecurity risks to the property and neighbouring properties
• Increased fire risk
• Previous problems with trespassers and fence jumping
• The site is located in the Farming Zone and this has not been addressed
• Impact on native wildlife including rare and endangered species that may be located at the event location
• No demonstration of how compliance with SEPPN2 will be achieved and has not sought dispensation from the EPA
• Unacceptable traffic impacts
• No permission for temporary structures, shipping containers or other permanent infrastructure
• Concern whether all works on site have received planning approval and whether previous planning permits have been complied with
• Unacceptable burden on the limited emergency service resources that are available to the area
• There have been no consultation with the indigenous people of the area in relation to possible historical and culturally significant trees and areas that may be impacted by the proposal
• The proposal does not provide financial advantage to local businesses because the event has food and drink outlets located at the event
• Concerns that patrons disturbing livestock on neighbouring properties.

Submissions of support provided the following statements:
• The economic benefit to the communities of Alexandra, Thornton and Eildon is significant
• The work generated for local contractors such as water cartage, hire of toilets, grass slashing and provision of ice during the festival is beneficial to the community
• The running of this event is excellent in its organisation skills, preparatory works being undertaken months before festival is to commence and the days of the festival run very smoothly
• There are many thousands people coming into the district spending their money etc, enjoying the ambience of both our municipality and the site of the festival. In light of recent events effecting us all what a perfect opportunity for us all to benefit from this event and rekindle our lives
• Tanglewood brings major economic benefits to thecommunity. Past years, businesses have experienced an increase in sales over the New Year period due to festival goers. As the event didn’t go ahead last year there was a significant drop in sales between December 31 and January 2 – this is a direct result in the reduced number of people holidaying throughout the New Year period