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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

SNAP LOCKDOWN: Publishing Arrangements

Due to issues associated with the COVID-19 circuit breaker seven-day lockdown, we have made the difficult decision not to publish the June 2 editions of The Local Paper and the Melbourne Observer newspapers. 

This is a temporary arrangement, and we expect to resume normal weekly publication with the ‘June 9’ issue. One of the primary factors in our decision is the health and safety of our driver contractors and other team members who work in the affected cluster areas, with a high level of personal contacts. There are, of course, also commercial considerations. with many businesses (our advertising clients) shut over the coming week.

Keeping the presses rolling is part of our proud 52-year tradition, but our primary concern has to be the health of our members. I will keep you updated next week about our resumption of print and online publishing arrangements. The advertising accounts of our clients will be adjusted to reflect the missed week of publication.

The Best, Ash Long