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Thursday, December 19, 2024

YARRA RANGES: Asset Plan drafted

Yarra Ranges Shire Council is encouraging community members to have input into its upcoming Draft Asset Plan.

The Plan sets out how Council proposes to manage the assets it owns and controls, including buildings, roads, bridges, footpaths, stormwater drainage, parks and recreation facilities.

The plan also includes how the Council will manage its budget for the provision of new assets, treatment of existing assets that are no longer fit for use, and plan for changes in community needs, climate impacts and population growth.

A new Asset Plan is required to be prepared by Council every four years under the Local Government Act 2020.

Yarra Ranges Mayor, Cr Jim Child, said that it was important for the community to have input into the initial drafting of the plan.

“The Asset Plan takes a long-term 10-year view of how our assets are managed, so it’s crucial that we capture the community’s thoughts on where our priorities should lie,” Cr Child said.

“The plan is also closely tied to the Council budget process, and given that the funding available for assets year to year is typically lower than the wants and needs of the community, this is the framework that sets out how we make decisions on our assets.

“No one knows our community better than the people who live in it, so I encourage as many people as possible to leave their thoughts and feedback throughout this consultation process.”

Residents can take part in a short online poll to highlight where they believe Council’s priorities should lie in regards to its assets, or register their interest in becoming part of a deliberative panel to support the development of the Draft Asset Plan.

Successful applicants for the panel will also be paid for their time.