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Thursday, December 19, 2024

MURRINDINDI: Transparency, Murrindindi-style

Murrindindi Council has 30 different policies listed at its webnsite. A Public Transparency Policy, voted in by Councillors, is obligatory under the Local Government Act.
“Council commits to making information publicly available unless the information is confidential in nature or the information would be considered contrary to the public interest,” says the policy.
On three ocassions (July 18 and 21), The Local Paper requested Murrindindi Shire Council to provide a copy of the 2023 Community Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Anna Cullen, the Shire’s Manager Customer Experience, denied the request: “Council releases its Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results as part of the publication of our Annual Report.”
In the Public Transparency Policy, members of the Executive Management Team are instructed to “champion behaviours that foster transparency and drive the principles through policy, process and leadership.”
At last Wednesday’s Council meeting, Shire CEO Livia Bonazzi spoke of just four of the dozens of the results: overall performance is 55; overall Council direction score is 46; Value for Money score is 46, and Customer Service score is 69.